The WillPopScope widget comes with the Flutter framework. It gives us control over the back button action, allowing the current page to…
Problem Given the head of a sorted linked list, delete all duplicates such that each element appears only once. Return the linked list sorted as well.…
Problem Given a non-negative integer x, compute and return the square root of x. Since the return type is an integer, the decimal digits are truncated,…
CupertinoActivityIndicator is the iOS(Cupertino) version of the material circular progress indicator. It animates in a clockwise circle. Flutter possesses in its…
Installation First, add image_picker_gallery_camera as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. Install it You can install packages from the command…
Android provides many ways of storing data of an application. One of these ways is called Shared Preferences. Shared Preferences…
Room is a persistence library, part of the Android Jetpack. The Room is now considered as a better approach for…
1 Open Android Studio. 2 Go to File => New => New Project. Write application name . Then, check Include…
Action whenever the text is changed in the EditText View. Application to implement a listener TextWatcher object, for EditText to…
Create a new Project in Kotlin Message can display outside of our application normal UI 1 Open Android Studio. 2…