Introduction to Delegated Properties in Kotlin
Kotlin, the modern programming language used extensively in Android development, introduces several powerful features, one of which is delegated properties. Delegated properties provide a way to delegate the responsibility of a property to a different piece of code. This feature helps in reducing boilerplate code and enhances the readability and maintainability of Android applications.
What Are Delegated Properties?
Delegated properties allow you to define a property and delegate its getter and setter logic to another class or function. Kotlin provides built-in delegates like lazy
, observable
, and vetoable
, each serving different purposes. You can also create your own custom delegates to suit your specific requirements.
Using Built-in Delegates
Lazy Delegation
The lazy
delegate is used when you want a property to be initialized only once, and only when it is accessed for the first time. It’s a great way to optimize resource usage and improve performance.
val lazyValue: String by lazy {
"Hello, Kotlin!"
In this example, the lazyValue
is initialized only when accessed, and subsequent accesses do not recompute the value.
Observable Delegation
The observable
delegate is used to track changes to a property. This is particularly useful in Android development for monitoring changes in UI components.
var observedValue: String by Delegates.observable("Initial") { property, oldValue, newValue ->
println("$oldValue -> $newValue")
This code snippet prints the old and new values whenever observedValue
Creating Custom Delegates
Creating custom delegated properties in Kotlin is straightforward. You need to implement the getValue
and setValue
operators. Let’s create a simple delegate that logs property access.
class LoggingDelegate(private var value: T) {
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): T {
println("${} accessed")
return value
operator fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) {
println("${} changed")
this.value = value
var myProperty: String by LoggingDelegate("Hello")
With this custom delegate, every access to myProperty
will log its access and any changes.
Delegated properties in Kotlin provide a flexible and efficient way to handle property logic in Android development. By utilizing both built-in and custom delegations, developers can manage application states and behaviors more effectively, leading to cleaner and more maintainable code.