ListTile is generally used to populate a ListView in Flutter. ListTile makes populating ListView very simple.
Here we will cover all parameters of ListTile.
The title can take any widget. Usually, it will a Text Widget
ListTile( title: Text("Ford"), ),
The subtitle is the smaller text showing below the title
ListTile( title: Text("Ford"), subtitle: Text("Super Car"), ),
The leading property is the starting section of the ListTile. You add any widget. But usually, it will be an image or icon.
ListTile( title: Text("Ford"), subtitle: Text("Super Car"), leading: Icon(Icons.time_to_leave), ),
Setting trailing places a widget at the end of the ListTile.
ListTile( title: Text("Ford"), subtitle: Text("Super Car"), leading: Icon(Icons.time_to_leave), trailing: Icon(Icons.keyboard_arrow_right), ),
This parameter makes the text smaller and packs together.
ListTile( title: Text("Ford"), subtitle: Text("Super Car"), dense: true, ),
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